Sunday, November 22, 2009

Answered prayer

It is a little late but I need to share. On Veterans Day Erika watched Dylan. He came out of her bedroom and said ha ha I locked your door. Sure enough it was locked and needed a key to unlock it. Since prior renters had put the lock on there was no key. The hinges were on the inside. Erika’s car keys, phone purse were all in her room. What do you do she tried credit card, pushing on the door every thing that she could think of. The next step was pray. Soon her room mate walk in and said I don’t know why I am here. I was out running errands and found my car turning home. She was able to call her dad he came over and had to cut the lock out. I told Erika she was lucky her room mate was in tune. On a funny note Erika is always even temper but she must have raised her voice at Dylan, when Gretchen picked up Dylan he said Tata (which he calls her) is scary!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Catch Up

Sat a tree was cut to be taken to the national capital for the Christmas tree. This is the first time a tree has come from AZ. The tree was off the Apache Sitgreaves national forest up by the Big Lake road. I didn't get up and watch but took the picture off of a friend's album.

We already had our first snow Oct 28 here are pictures. The leaves are still green and on the trees.

I talked today in church about preparing for the temple. Since Gary and I teach the temple prep class. I worked on it all week it was quite nerve racking. Here is a quote I would like to share that I used in my talk.
Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said that “temple work is not an escape from the world but a reinforcing of our need to better the world while preparing ourselves for another and far better world. Thus, being in the Lord’s house can help us to be different from the world in order to make more difference in the world.

Exciting News!!!! Chris my nephew is getting married Dec 12. When he found her it didn’t take long.